Let's Talk About Grammarly

I’ve gotten back into writing. After years of putting it aside, convincing myself that I didn’t have the time, I’ve finally stopped being lazy and my fingers have met the keyboard. Not only am I writing for my blog now, but also returning to books and poetry. It’s been a while since I’ve genuinely sat down and written something. You might say I’m a bit rusty. It’s going to take a while before I get back into the groove of the process. I plan on sharing this journey with all of you, every step of the way. Please, don’t get too bored. If you do, then send me a tweet @redromina

When I started this blog, my main concern was having someone edit for me. I wanted to make sure no typos slipped through the cracks and that my grammar was “on fleek”. People still say that, right? I don’t like to call myself a perfectionist because I’m not about that life, but I do like my work to be presentable regardless of the platform.

With the age of social media and things moving at the fast pace that they do, I was worried I would get left behind by worrying about my grammar while others were creating content unapologetically.

I looked for options. I visited multiple websites for hiring freelance editors. Did I mention this was all just for a blog? In my research, I found this app called Grammarly. Let me tell you; I am now obsessed. I’m not exaggerating. Okay, maybe that’s an embellishment, but I do love it a lot!

I’m sure you’ve seen their ads 1,382 times, give or take, but in case you haven’t heard about Grammarly... let’s talk about Grammarly. 

Grammarly works on the web through its site, via a browser plugin, a mobile app, and desktop app. Basically, you can use it anywhere you write stuff. Grammarly seamlessly provides accurate grammatical suggestions and corrections for any type of document.

Grammarly is free if you choose to opt out of their Premium services and is still incredibly useful. Since I wanted the best, I subscribed to Grammarly’s Premium service to get additional suggestions and a more comprehensive analysis of everything I write. So far, I am delighted with the results. I have only run into one bug. It suggested that I add a punctuation mark because it was the end of a sentence, but it wasn’t the end of my sentence where it was indicating that addition. Aside from this minor glitch, Grammarly has provided some helpful suggestions that have punched up my musings without losing personality or emotion.  

Grammarly has a plagiarism checker built in. If you’re up late working on a thesis and the lines begin to blur with what’s coming from your head and what you read in a book last week, Grammarly’s got your back. It scans 16 billion web pages and ProQuest's databases to make sure you’re honest with your work.

One feature I love about Grammarly is being able to double click on a word to get its definition and synonyms. I'm a stickler for expanding my vocabulary and adequately using that vocabulary.

I recommend Grammarly for all of your writing needs. Here are some example use cases:

  • A last-minute essay for school

  • Your NY Times best selling novel you’re working on

  • The email you need to send your employee

  • An Oscar-winning screenplay

  • Your latest tweet

As you can imagine, the list can go on. There are many applications for Grammarly, and I am excited to explore them all. I invite you to join me in checking out Grammarly for yourself: https://grammarly.com